Public Speaking

“Totally inspiring, deeply emotive and somehow had us laughing at the same time.”

- CIPFA Conference

Speaking at TedX Glasgow

Starting with lessons from Bangladeshi economics, venturing through the business world in the UK and even being inspired by Peruvian Shamans, Alice wraps up her experience with keynote speeches & workshop topics which include:

  • Career Fulfilment & Motivation - How running a purpose-led business left Alice without any sense of fulfilment

  • True Personal & Professional Growth - Working with the Enneagram

  • The Social Bite Journey - Creating a social enterprise that caught the world’s attention

Alice with the local entrepreneur’s thriving families in the rural Bangladeshi village of Terikandi.

Alice with the local entrepreneur’s thriving families in the rural Bangladeshi village of Terikandi.

With one of the local micro-finance entrepreneurs.

With one of the local micro-finance entrepreneurs.

Learning from locals about social business transforming communities.

Learning from locals about social business transforming communities.

“A heartfelt, brutally honest and commanding speaker who moved the audience to tears. She left us motivated & inspired to be a little bit braver.”

- Join The Dots Conference

Alice has spoken at:

Alice Thompson, Keynote Speaker at the MLN Leadership Summit

Speaking at Love Your Business